What's New

May 1999

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To assist researchers in locating information about their ancestors or persons from the Republic of Mexico, the Mexican Civil Registrar page was added.  You can write to the appropriate  Mexican Civil Registrar listed in this page, but do not send money until they reply to your letter.

Three new links have been added to the resources page: Heraldica Espaņola (Spanish Heraldry), Verdugo's page, and Vietnam Casualties.

February 1999

A link to the Longoria forum has been added to assist those interested in researching an specific Longoria relative or ancestor. The link is in the Resources page. Also you can access the link by clicking here Longoria Forum.

January 1999

The family tree pages of Juan Farias and Diego Rodriguez were updated from outline format to page report.

The cemetery project of Diana Borja and the committee of descendants of Juan Miguel Longoria Cavazos was updated to show the project phases and project status. The project is located in the resources page.

The next two links are included in the Resources page and they can be accessed through the Resources page or by clicking the link in this page.

A link to Spanish town locator by province was added.

This link takes you to the Texas Book Online which allows you to search articles by words or by click a letter relevant to the articlel

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